Saturday, January 24, 2009

Let's dust this puppy off!

I've been so missing lately! With the wedding planning and a surprise visit from my mom, who lives 1800 kms away (!), life has been pretty crazy, in a great way!

I've kept up with my Photo-a-Day project though, so here are a few faves from the past few weeks. If anyone's out there reading this, please say hi!

jan 05 - My sweet, sweet Sammy. She'll be 12 in August, and is still as frisky as a kitten!

jan 06 - Perfection is overrated.

jan 10 - Just a lamp. Not sure why I like this image so much. The texture and lines, I guess!

jan 13 - Sweet, sweet doggies!

jan 14 - A few screws loose.

jan 16 - Mom's chicken stew. My mom, who lives 1800 kms away, showed up on my doorstep unannounced on Thursday night. Her fiance gave her a plane ticket to visit me, for Christmas, and she and my fiance concocted this huge scheme that culminated in my being a sobbing wreck when my mom, who I haven't seen in seven months, walked through my front door. I've taken a few days off work, to just hang out with her, doing wedding stuff, and yesterday she taught me how to make chicken stew. It was the most delicious chicken stew I've ever had, though I'm sure it was the experience that made it so delicious.

Jan 17 - A quick photo excursion with my mom to Morningstar Mill, despite the brutal cold.

jan 22 - I ordered my dress today! And took another picture of Harley. Shocker! I just love his little grey beard. If you look closely, you can see remnants of his breakfast stuck in his whiskers. :)

jan 23 - A dead fern in our backyard.

I'll try to post more often from now on, so I don't do one big photo dump once a month! :)

1 comment:

Rob James said...

finally, I keep looking everyday.... ;-)
