Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy new year!

Yikes, I haven't posted since Christmas Eve, and here we are in 2009!

dec 25 - Christmas in Cottam with Brian's family. This is Nana, Brian's grandmother, opening a gift from her daughter, Brian's mom, Pam. It's a framed photo I took of Pam and her brother, Bill. *warm fuzzies*

dec 26 - Sam, Brian's nephew, telling me all about his favourite Christmas presents. One of the highlights of this Christmas, you know, aside from getting engaged, was this conversation I had with Sam:
Sam: Tanya, can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure, bud. What's up?

Then he climbs up on my lap and asks in a very serious and quiet voice...

Sam: Can I call you Aunt Tanya from now on?
Me: Buddy, I would *love* that.

*warm fuzzies*

dec 28 - fiddle - I was so psyched about our engagement and my gorgeous new ring, that my other amazing present has been neglected! Brian also gave me a brand new 4/4 Menzel fiddle and all the trimmings! I really am the luckiest girl ever.

dec 30 - A horrible picture by most standards, but it's just so classic "Daddy and the dogs" that I love it. Brian can't lay down without the dogs climbing all over him, so this is a pretty accurate picture of them.

dec 31 - Happy new year! We went to an Ugly Sweater party tonight for New Year's Eve, and I got my resized ring back from the jeweler today, so I thought I'd showcase those two things in my pic today. I know, I broke my "no cameraphone pics" rule, but I won't make a habit of it. :)

Posting! Stay tuned for more!

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